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Coffee Connoisseur's Secrets

Coffee is far more than simply the brew that wakes people up in the morning. Coffee shops dot the city streets around the world with specialty coffee drinks drawing lines of customers. We will share the nuances of coffee from how to select the roast that suits your palate, to secret recipes of your favorite specialty drinks. We even have some marvelous recipes using coffee as a flavoring or spice to add a very special touch. If you love coffee, you will love these secrets. affiliate

Java Queen International Has Coffee Roasted Expressly For You And Everything You Need To Make Your Own Specialty Drinks At Home! Save Time And Money Buying Directly From The Roaster!

The Coffee Connoisseur's Secrets

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Pumpkin Pie Cappuccino

MMMMMMMMM, I love this season for just this reason!
And a Few More as well!

Pumpkin Pie Cappuccino

1/2 oz Da Vinci Gourmet Pumpkin Pie Classic Syrup
1 shot espresso
foamed milk

Combine ingredients in a 6 oz cup. Mix well.

Yield one 6-ounce serving

For the VERY BEST COFFEE for this recipe and ALL Coffee Drinks, Visit Java Queen International.