Coffee Becoming More Than A Quick Fix For College Students
By Amy Wray //
Published: Wednesday, September 21, 2005
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It is estimated that 90 percent of Americans get a daily fix of caffeinated coffee. However, according to some students, it's more than just a quick fix.
Julie Hollon, a chemistry major, admitted to drinking white mochas several times a week "because I either get a craving for it, or in the mornings, it gives me a little pep-up," she said.
Researchers at John Hopkins University discovered that drinking just two and a half cups of coffee a day could lead to an addiction. The caffeine is a mood lifter, increases alertness and increases endurance levels, both physically and mentally. However, this feeling only lasts for a short period of time.
"It keeps me up to study when I need to stay awake," said Hollon. "I guess it kind of gives me that comfort feeling when I'm stressed; it's a relaxing drink and it gives me some energy."
If deprived of coffee, one may experience4 withdrawal symptoms such as headache and fatigue.
According to, "caffeine intake or consumption is associated with elevated mood levels, and decreased intake or the absence of caffeine leads to alteration of moods, so that they keep shifting from positive to negative in a short period of time."
WSU students needing their coffee fix can be found frequenting The Wright Cup in the Student Union or in the brand new Cafe Wright in the group study room in the library.
Ginny Campbell, an employee at The Wright Cup, said that the most popular beverage is the latte. Campbell admitted that she's not a big coffee drinker herself because "it's too strong for me."
Likewise, those who consume too much caffeine develop a tolerance, usually within days. Caffeine no longer keeps them awake and alert according to
Those who are not accustomed to high dosages of caffeine may experience anxiety, lightheadedness, jitteriness, irritability, unsteady hands or diarrhea.
Students who drink a lot of coffee can join The Wright Cup Mug Club for $9.99.
This includes a mug and a 10 percent discount on small beverage refills.
So whether you like it black, iced or with sugar and cream, keep in mind coffee's addictive qualities.
And for students looking for a higher caffeine content to help them cram for exams, the newest coffee SHOCK COFFEE has a much greater caffeine content than your regular coffees.
For Gourmet Coffees, Teas and Chocolates; Gifts Delivered. Have Whole Coffee Beans Or Ground Delivered To Your Door
Labels: college students, energy drink, gourmet coffee, high caffeine coffee, high doses of caffeine
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