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Coffee Connoisseur's Secrets

Coffee is far more than simply the brew that wakes people up in the morning. Coffee shops dot the city streets around the world with specialty coffee drinks drawing lines of customers. We will share the nuances of coffee from how to select the roast that suits your palate, to secret recipes of your favorite specialty drinks. We even have some marvelous recipes using coffee as a flavoring or spice to add a very special touch. If you love coffee, you will love these secrets. affiliate

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The Coffee Connoisseur's Secrets

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Green Mountain Coffee Announces New Partner Coffee!

PBS Blend is grown in the lush, tropical rainforests surrounding the El Triunfo Biosphere in Mexico. It is sweetly balanced and smooth, with full flavor and a rich finish. With this Fair Trade Certified™ organic coffee, we invite "viewers like you" to enjoy great taste while preserving both natural habitat and one of America’s greatest national treasures – PBS.

Why PBS?

A trusted community resource, PBS uses the power of noncommercial television, the Internet and other media to enrich the lives of all Americans. Through independent, distinctive and enlightening programs and educational services PBS inspires people to be more - more informed, empowered and engaged. By crafting the PBS Blend Fair Trade Certified™ coffee, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters has not only helped the lives of the farmers who grow the coffee, but they've also provided the public with a delicious new way to show their support of PBS.

Deep within the Sierra Madre mountains of Southern Chiapas is one of the world’s most pristine and diverse natural places—300,000 fog-shrouded acres known as the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve.

This extraordinary cloud forest, is home to the resplendent quetzal, spider monkey jaguar and tapir. Hundreds of butterfly species flit among giant tree ferns bromeliads and orchids. It is one of the few remaining unspoiled places in Mexico, and all of Latin America. And it is where PBS Blend takes root and blossoms.

In the buffer zone surrounding the reserve, family farmers grow coffee under the shade of a forest canopy, which provides habitat to countless species of birds, mammals and insects. In this way, the buffer zone both protects the core zones of the biosphere, and promotes sustainable commerce for the surrounding communities of farmers.

Available now, in whole bean and K-Cup coffees for your Keurig single cup coffee maker.

About PBS

PBS is a media enterprise that serves 354 public, noncommercial television stations and reaches almost 90 million people each week through on-air and online content. PBS supports America’s heritage, providing high-quality, award-winning programming and community outreach. PBS is education, arts and culture, history, news and information. PBS is also a leading provider of educational material for K-12 teachers and offers a broad array of other educational services. Visit PBS online for more information at